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A film of my dreams

Hi guys in this time I talking to you what thing I would to study after degree of my actually career. Well, after a while of thinking I did not reach any conclusion, but to fulfill the teacher's question I would say that I would like to study something in Chile related to audiovisual productions that allow me through a camera, and with a little bit of Imagination, show the socials problematics with a pinch of art, ahh, I really would love that kind of work. That I would like to study part-time or becadp, but the latter is a bit difficult. Dreaming costs nothing, doesn't it?
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My future job

Hi, people, this day I will talk to you about what I imagine my future job would be like. In that moment I am studying Social Work. This is known how "beautiful" work but in the realitie, is very problematic, because this work expose you to listen to lot of problems of persons in the same day and this is not well paid for an endless number of causes that are not necessary specify nowHi, people, this day I will talk to you about what I imagine my future job would be like. In that moment I am studying Social Work. This is known how "beautiful" work but in the realitie, is very problematic, because this work expose you to listen to lot of problems of persons in the same day and this is not well paid for an endless number of causes that are not necessary specify now This work happens 50% indoors in an office an other 50% in the street "implementing" the social intervention, for this reason, this job is considered to complement thought and action and not...

My life in ten years.

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Everything will continue to flourish...

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Dance, Dance, Dance ... (8).

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Iceland, a extension of green...

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Hi nice people. Well, in a first place and being sincere, I'dont see TV programs, because I considerer TV a place of lies an misinginformation compaing.  I must say that based on my own experience, for example in the situation of the machi Celestino Córdova. He is a Mapuche spiritual authority. He was declared guilty in the case of Lucksinger Mckay. I don't wish to join in the discusion about innocent in that case, yet the balistic testing show the innocent of the machi. In that moment he in prision of Temuco five years of the seventeen he would inside in that place.  The situation here is the spirituality of the machi: he needs to visit her rewe, you asking themselves, what is a rewe? I try to asking that question. The rewe is the place where the machi renew her connection with earth -Lof-, that in a meaning in an ancestral vision transcends our thoughts.  Now he demanded  a simple thing: he want to visit her rewe for only 48 hours, nothing more. That solititu...