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Hi nice people. Well, in a first place and being sincere, I'dont see TV programs, because I considerer TV a place of lies an misinginformation compaing. 

I must say that based on my own experience, for example in the situation of the machi Celestino Córdova. He is a Mapuche spiritual authority. He was declared guilty in the case of Lucksinger Mckay. I don't wish to join in the discusion about innocent in that case, yet the balistic testing show the innocent of the machi. In that moment he in prision of Temuco five years of the seventeen he would inside in that place. 

The situation here is the spirituality of the machi: he needs to visit her rewe, you asking themselves, what is a rewe? I try to asking that question. The rewe is the place where the machi renew her connection with earth -Lof-, that in a meaning in an ancestral vision transcends our thoughts. 

Now he demanded  a simple thing: he want to visit her rewe for only 48 hours, nothing more. That solititude is back up for the Convenio 169 of the OIT, and the goverment refused the solitude of the machi, example of this in a phrase of Sebastián Piñera:  "un crimen cruel y despiadado” and.
“Lo que corresponde es que las personas que cometen crímenes atroces y crueles, asuman su responsabilidad y cumplan sus penas”. That sounds funny because her pardon a prisioner of the "carcél" named Punta Peuco.
You asking "what is the relation with program show's?", being sincere, that haven´t any relation with "program show's" but yes with the nacional TV and the way how invisibility that situation. 
Sorry, I don´t work in that objetive requested , but I don´t live quiet with that injustice. 


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